Presentations Thematic Stakeholder Workshop on Bioenergy and Biorefining in a Circular (Bio)Economy, Brussels, Belgium, 27 September 2017 online

IEA Bioenergy Task42 organised a Thematic Stakeholder Workshop (TSW) on Bioenergy and Biorefining in a Circular (Bio)Economy in Brussels, Belgium on 27 September 2017. This was an invitation-only workshop at which the following organisations presented their views on the subject: IEA Bioenergy TCP, IRENA, FAO, ETIP Bioenergy, EERA Bioenergy, EC DG JRC, DOE, IEA Bioenergy Task42 Biorefining.


The aim of the workshop was:

  • To inform each other on running and planned activities in the field of Bioenergy and Biorefining in a Circular (Bio)Economy;
  • To analyse cooperation opportunities to be able to use available (financial) resources as efficient as possible and to come-up with results that will have a broad support;
  • To define one/more joint activities to be performed in the coming year(s);
  • To organise a joint dissemination event to communicate our views/results jointly to a wider public (side event international conference, etc.).

It was decided that these organisations will come together once a year at a joint knowledge dissemination event. This event potentially will be broadened to an open dissemination and communication event co-organised by these, and potential additional international organisations (OECD, BBI/BIC, etc.).

Download presentations

Introduction by IEA Bioenergy Task42
Country Report US, May 2017 – DOE
Bioenergy and Biorefining in a Circular (Bio)Economy: Task42 Biorefining in a Future Bioeconomy – presentation FAO
Bioenergy – from research tot market development in a European context – presentation EERA Bioenergy
Bioenergy and Biorefining in a circular (bio) economy – presentation ETIP Bioenergy
IEA Bioenergy Task42 – presentation van Ree
IEA Bioenergy Technology Colloboration Programme – presentation Kwant (chair IEA Bioenergy)
Conclusions of the IEA Bioenergy / IETS Workshop on “The role of industrial biorefineries in a low-carbon economy”, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16 May 2017 – presentation Pelkmans (technical coordinator IEA Bioenergy)